MacTay Consulting

Digital Transformation and Future of Work

Digital transformation and future of work have been hot topics for quite some time. The current pandemic and its impact on the global economy has made it even more so. This article aims to help business leaders cut through the noise and prepare for the new business environment.

There is no doubt that technology disruption has played a key role in transforming many industries, but people and regulation also have parts to play in the disruption.

For companies to stay competitive and relevant they have to disrupt themselves, and the first step in accomplishing this is through transformation.

The business environment has changed. Traditional models are no longer effective in the new business climate. It is not enough to maintain a strong online presence; your internal configurations must be digitalized.

According to George Westerman, MIT Principal Researcher Scientist and author of Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Digital Transformation, Digital Transformation is a radical rethinking of how an organisation uses technology, people and processes to fundamentally change business performance. It is not just about technology but a reimagining of how we do business and engage with customers. That means there is no digital business, just business.

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