MacTay Consulting
Positive influence

Three Keys to Unlocking your Influence

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In today’s workplace, success and outcomes can only be achieved through working with others, irrespective of job role or sector, thus having influence is about getting true buy in from colleagues, clients and bosses. Also, in the SME sector which provides 84% of employment in Nigeria, organisational hierarchies and layers are minimal, thus being able to influence without formal authority has become essential.

Regardless of your position or title, the ability to influence lies within us all – but how well have we developed this skill?

If you find yourself struggling to gain buy in for your project or ideas from your stakeholders, try implementing these three small changes in your approach.

  1. Understand Others – Take time to better understand those that you are trying to influence.
  2. Do not sit on the bench – Contribute by supporting others and getting involved with your team. Connect with your team members on a personal level.
  3. Listen Up – Be an active listener and value the objections, suggestions and questions from your stakeholders.

If you do, you will be making the conscious effort to increase both your personal and professional standing, change how others perceive you and work towards becoming an effective Influencer who gets their ideas implemented and makes things happen!

To find out more about how you or your team can improve your influencing skills, contact one of our team today on 012706336 or email[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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